



Explore database:

Compounds with the same formula: Fe5CoS2 (4 entries found)
Compounds with the same elements: Fe-Co-S (34 entries found)

Space group | Lattice parameters | Thermodynamic properties | Phase diagram | Magnetic properties | Atomic positions and site-specific magnetic data | Pair-wise magnetic data | Methods | References

Space group:

Crystal system


Space group number





P 1

Point group


Structure data:

Normalized formula


The number of formula units per unit cell


The total number of atoms per unit cell


The number of inequivalent sites per unit cell


Structure search

AGA search

Lattice parameters:

a (Å)


b (Å)


c (Å)


α (deg.)


β (deg.)


γ (deg.)


Volume (Å3)


Density (g/cm3)


Crystal structure visualization:

Thermodynamic properties:

DFT calculations (details)

Formation energy (vs. elemental phases)

-97.0 meV/atom

Formation energy above hull

182.7 meV/atom

Phase diagram:

Phase diagram
The convex hull is temporarily not available while we perform maintenance.

Related structures:

Compounds with the same formula: Fe5CoS2

4 entries found

Compounds with the same elements: Fe-Co-S

34 entries found

Binary compounds in Fe-Co system

11 entries found

Binary compounds in Fe-S system

45 entries found

Binary compounds in Co-S system

12 entries found

Magnetic properties:

DFT calculations (details)

Magnetic ordering


Total magnetic moment

25.22 μB/cell

Averaged magnetic moment

1.58 μB/atom

Magnetic polarization, Js = μ0Ms

1.57 T (= 1249.4 emu/cm3)

LMTO-GF calculations (details)

Curie temperature, TC

DFT calculations (details)

Magnetic anisotropy constant, Ka-c

0.07 MJ/m3 (= 0.08 meV/cell)

Magnetic anisotropy constant, Kb-c

0.58 MJ/m3 (= 0.69 meV/cell)

Magnetic anisotropy constant, Kb-a

0.52 MJ/m3 (= 0.61 meV/cell)

Magnetic easy axis


Magnetic hardness parameter, κ


Atomic positions (fractional coordinates) and site-specific magnetic data:

index species w x y z m (μB) Esoc100 (meV) Esoc001 (meV)
1 S 1a 0.050830 0.999420 0.048050 0.02 . .
2 S 1a 0.550470 0.504210 0.225680 -0.00 . .
3 S 1a 0.388160 0.998450 0.537840 0.01 . .
4 S 1a 0.885010 0.499050 0.726370 0.00 . .
5 Co 1a 0.374230 0.807760 0.147290 1.31 . .
6 Co 1a 0.758410 0.997620 0.354480 1.27 . .
7 Fe 1a 0.562660 0.698000 0.619060 2.25 . .
8 Fe 1a 0.873000 0.697040 0.118520 2.32 . .
9 Fe 1a 0.066460 0.803160 0.650940 2.38 . .
10 Fe 1a 0.565430 0.300490 0.617290 2.30 . .
11 Fe 1a 0.377460 0.198650 0.150150 2.33 . .
12 Fe 1a 0.059060 0.195760 0.644750 2.36 . .
13 Fe 1a 0.875930 0.300570 0.122430 2.32 . .
14 Fe 1a 0.178830 0.500630 0.414120 2.07 . .
15 Fe 1a 0.257500 0.499600 0.915750 2.07 . .
16 Fe 1a 0.677110 0.999730 0.855520 2.14 . .
w: site multiplicity (the number of equivalent positions) and Wyckoff letter (a label for site symmetry)
m: local magnetic moment
Esoc100 (001): Spin-orbit coupling energy for the magnetization oriented along the crystallographic a (c) axis
(Individual Esoc values are temporarily not available while we perform maintenance.)

Site-resolved magnetic moments:

Local magnetic moments

Pair-wise magnetic data:

site i site j distance (Å) Jij (meV)
1 S 1a 2 S 1a 4.46 .
1 S 1a 3 S 1a 3.03 .
1 S 1a 4 S 1a 3.96 .
1 S 1a 5 Co 1a 2.24 .
1 S 1a 6 Co 1a 2.18 .
1 S 1a 7 Fe 1a 4.00 .
1 S 1a 8 Fe 1a 2.37 .
1 S 1a 9 Fe 1a 2.41 .
1 S 1a 10 Fe 1a 3.96 .
1 S 1a 11 Fe 1a 2.31 .
1 S 1a 12 Fe 1a 2.44 .
1 S 1a 13 Fe 1a 2.34 .
1 S 1a 14 Fe 1a 4.01 .
1 S 1a 15 Fe 1a 3.74 .
1 S 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.22 .
2 S 1a 3 S 1a 3.90 .
2 S 1a 4 S 1a 3.06 .
2 S 1a 5 Co 1a 2.36 .
2 S 1a 6 Co 1a 3.72 .
2 S 1a 7 Fe 1a 2.38 .
2 S 1a 8 Fe 1a 2.27 .
2 S 1a 9 Fe 1a 3.94 .
2 S 1a 10 Fe 1a 2.42 .
2 S 1a 11 Fe 1a 2.38 .
2 S 1a 12 Fe 1a 4.02 .
2 S 1a 13 Fe 1a 2.30 .
2 S 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.20 .
2 S 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.20 .
2 S 1a 16 Fe 1a 4.02 .
3 S 1a 4 S 1a 4.49 .
3 S 1a 5 Co 1a 2.36 .
3 S 1a 6 Co 1a 2.18 .
3 S 1a 7 Fe 1a 2.34 .
3 S 1a 8 Fe 1a 3.93 .
3 S 1a 9 Fe 1a 2.29 .
3 S 1a 10 Fe 1a 2.37 .
3 S 1a 11 Fe 1a 2.39 .
3 S 1a 12 Fe 1a 2.29 .
3 S 1a 13 Fe 1a 3.97 .
3 S 1a 14 Fe 1a 3.75 .
3 S 1a 15 Fe 1a 4.05 .
3 S 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.21 .
4 S 1a 5 Co 1a 4.01 .
4 S 1a 6 Co 1a 4.02 .
4 S 1a 7 Fe 1a 2.27 .
4 S 1a 8 Fe 1a 2.40 .
4 S 1a 9 Fe 1a 2.39 .
4 S 1a 10 Fe 1a 2.29 .
4 S 1a 11 Fe 1a 3.97 .
4 S 1a 12 Fe 1a 2.36 .
4 S 1a 13 Fe 1a 2.42 .
4 S 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.21 .
4 S 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.20 .
4 S 1a 16 Fe 1a 3.74 .
5 Co 1a 6 Co 1a 2.67 .
5 Co 1a 7 Fe 1a 2.66 .
5 Co 1a 8 Fe 1a 2.78 .
5 Co 1a 9 Fe 1a 2.97 .
5 Co 1a 10 Fe 1a 4.32 .
5 Co 1a 11 Fe 1a 2.76 .
5 Co 1a 12 Fe 1a 4.04 .
5 Co 1a 13 Fe 1a 4.36 .
5 Co 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.76 .
5 Co 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.54 .
5 Co 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.57 .
6 Co 1a 7 Fe 1a 2.71 .
6 Co 1a 8 Fe 1a 2.49 .
6 Co 1a 9 Fe 1a 2.59 .
6 Co 1a 10 Fe 1a 2.70 .
6 Co 1a 11 Fe 1a 2.67 .
6 Co 1a 12 Fe 1a 2.58 .
6 Co 1a 13 Fe 1a 2.52 .
6 Co 1a 14 Fe 1a 4.15 .
6 Co 1a 15 Fe 1a 4.90 .
6 Co 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.52 .
7 Fe 1a 8 Fe 1a 2.99 .
7 Fe 1a 9 Fe 1a 2.75 .
7 Fe 1a 10 Fe 1a 2.80 .
7 Fe 1a 11 Fe 1a 4.34 .
7 Fe 1a 12 Fe 1a 4.40 .
7 Fe 1a 13 Fe 1a 4.08 .
7 Fe 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.69 .
7 Fe 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.62 .
7 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.51 .
8 Fe 1a 9 Fe 1a 2.66 .
8 Fe 1a 10 Fe 1a 4.10 .
8 Fe 1a 11 Fe 1a 4.40 .
8 Fe 1a 12 Fe 1a 4.35 .
8 Fe 1a 13 Fe 1a 2.80 .
8 Fe 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.59 .
8 Fe 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.67 .
8 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.71 .
9 Fe 1a 10 Fe 1a 4.39 .
9 Fe 1a 11 Fe 1a 4.10 .
9 Fe 1a 12 Fe 1a 2.77 .
9 Fe 1a 13 Fe 1a 4.33 .
9 Fe 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.50 .
9 Fe 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.71 .
9 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.69 .
10 Fe 1a 11 Fe 1a 2.63 .
10 Fe 1a 12 Fe 1a 2.74 .
10 Fe 1a 13 Fe 1a 2.97 .
10 Fe 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.69 .
10 Fe 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.61 .
10 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.50 .
11 Fe 1a 12 Fe 1a 2.99 .
11 Fe 1a 13 Fe 1a 2.77 .
11 Fe 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.71 .
11 Fe 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.50 .
11 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.57 .
12 Fe 1a 13 Fe 1a 2.67 .
12 Fe 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.53 .
12 Fe 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.75 .
12 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.69 .
13 Fe 1a 14 Fe 1a 2.60 .
13 Fe 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.69 .
13 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 2.73 .
14 Fe 1a 15 Fe 1a 2.51 .
14 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 4.92 .
15 Fe 1a 16 Fe 1a 4.17 .
Jij: magnetic exchange parameter between site i and j (Individual Jij values are temporarily not available while we perform maintenance.)
Terms and conditions

Pair-resolved magnetic exchange parameters:

Exchange coupling parameters

Individual exchange parameters:

Exchange coupling parameters


DFT calculations

  • exchange-correlation energy functional: GGA-PBE
  • pseudopotential type: PAW
  • cutoff energy: 65.0 Ry
  • k-point grid: (kx, ky, kz) = (1, 1, 1) for magnetic anisotropy calculations
  • package: QE (v6.3)

LMTO-GF calculations

  • k-point grid: (kx, ky, kz) =
  • energy mesh: 41 points on an elliptical contour
  • package: Questaal (v7)



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